I am so happy and thankful to have the opportunity to introduce you to an amazing inspirational lady, Lais Stephan of Abundant Chicks. I had the great joy of illustrating Lais’s book Universe and You and it is a blessing to know she is out there sharing her story, her gifts and helping others to co-create the life they always envisioned in an authentic and soulful way.
QUESTION : Lais, tell us, where in the world are you based?
ANSWER: I’m a digital nomad and have been living in Thailand, Bali, Switzerland, France, Italy, Portugal, Germany, and Sweden for last few years. Currently on a tiny Swedish island by the Baltic Sea (You need 2 ferries to get here) 😀
QUESTION: That is amazing. I love seeing the pictures you have shared on your travels to beautiful places. So, what geographic area do you cover with your work?
ANSWER: I work with women globally online. My recent clients have been from Switzerland, France, Italy, Brazil, US, India, Lebanon, UK, Germany, Portugal, and Australia
QUESTION: How were you inspired to start your business Lais?
ANSWER: I was disillusioned by corporate world and left it not knowing what I would do next. I literally had zero clue what else I was good at. I was going through the dark night of my soul in 2010 because every single area of my life sucked: being in a karmic relationship, burned out by corporate world and feeling so lost.
I moved to Thailand in early 2011 for a month to dedicate time for my healing. I studied different energy healing modalities to feel balanced again, and did some yoga and meditation. Part of my courses, in order to advance, required me to practice on people. This is when it dawned on me that I loved helping people.
The month I had planned to stay extended into a full year where I was trained as a psychic healer & teacher and Space Clearing Expert. After that year was over, I was 100% committed in opening my own business once back in Europe and so I did.
A decade later, my business is flourishing, I wrote 2 books, one of which you designed the cover for and did the illustrations inside: Universe & You: 11 Steps To Co-Create The Life You Desire.

QUESTION: I totally relate to that feeling of being disillusioned by the corporate world – I felt that at the start of my career when I worked in design agencies before going self employed to follow my heart. I’m so glad you found your way to your heart led business that is now helping so many amazing women create the life they deserve and desire. Congratulations on publishing your books! I absolutely LOVED working with you to create the cover and illustrations for Universe and You. How much do you love what you do?
ANSWER: There are no words to describe how grateful I am to have found my path in my early thirties. My business keeps growing and evolving as I grow and evolve. It went from 100% locally based to online so I could serve more women and work from anywhere I want. I am eternally grateful my life seems like one big workation. I have worked hard on my mindset and my energy in order to co-create the life I always envisioned living and assisting other women to do the same is beyond fulfilling.

QUESTION: If you could go back to a point in your life when you were facing a challenge, what inspirational advice would you give yourself?
ANSWER: As a teenager I felt incredibly lost. Growing up in a dysfunctional family and running away from home, brought me into a negative spiral I didn’t manage to get out of anymore. Severe depression was the result and me going into a specialized clinic to heal from that depression. As a young woman I felt this was my lowest point. I would go back to that frail young woman and tell her to not worry so much. That her depression is a sacred initiation into her spirituality and her path that she will embark on a bit later. That great things are coming her way and I would hug her and love her deeply. I am actually crying as I write this. I guess my younger self is very appreciative of hearing this. 😊
QUESTION: Thank you for sharing your authentic self. Tell us how your business inspires your customers!
ANSWER: I would like to believe that I am very authentic in how I show up in life and in my business. Whenever I went through struggles, I was open about it. My poetry collection that came out earlier this year “When A Wild Woman Rises” for instance is a very honest and vulnerable share of my grief, my fears and me questioning my role, my roots, and my identities.
I always work through stuff, and I believe what inspires the women who have been following me for a while is exactly this: that they can be a continuous “work in progress”, go through mental health problems, or hard periods in their lives, and make it out of that phase again, while still running a business or a career. And that losing oneself is just a journey towards finding ourselves again but in such a more powerful new version.

QUESTION: Knowing you aren’t alone in something and that there is light at the end of the tunnel means a lot when you are feeling low. What is a typical problem someone you work with might be facing and how do you guide them back into the light?
ANSWER: I offer bespoke 3 month (and longer) healing & coaching packages to help women find their light again or to shine it even brighter. As a spiritual mentor and healer, I can see someone’s light so clearly even when they cannot. We do a lot of “shadow work”, meaning we shine a light on all their known and unknown “gremlins” so to speak. I work with their subconscious minds, so we find a whole lot of blockages they were not even aware about. Blockages that might have made them dim their light, play small and keep repeating negative patterns in their love life, business, or careers. I use tools such as ancestral healing, past life & karma therapy, inner child healing, finding & releasing suppressed emotions, finding & releasing limiting beliefs, finding & releasing negative pre-conception and womb memories.
QUESTION: Please give us an inspirational tip or quote to inspire others!
ANSWER: I would like to share a poem from my poetry book. It was a poem I channeled from the Universe, a sort of “letter” to me.

QUESTION: As people we are always evolving and learning things on our life journey. Where do you find inspiration?
ANSWER: I find it everywhere: within my meditations when I channel through something beautiful from the Universe, during my nature walks, when I read an inspirational book, when I dance, while I travel and get exposed to so many different cultures, languages and religions/ belief systems, reading other people’s poetry that make me feel something.
QUESTION: Businesses are always evolving too… what are you inspired to do next?
ANSWER: I channeled my own healing system back in 2016 and have been using it ever since. Now I was asked to step up and teach it to others. I’ll launch a program for female business owners called the “Abundance Accelerator” which will be a 6-week program taking these women on a journey of identifying their abundance blocks from the past and teaching them how to release them.

QUESTION: THANK YOU Lais! If anyone reading this feature wants to find out more about what you do, how can they find you?
ANSWER: If you are interested to be notified about the Abundance Accelerator program once it launches, sign up to be on my “waiting list” and win a 1on1 intuitive business strategy with Lais.

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