I am pleased to be able to introduce Sheila Steptoe who I have interviewed for the Inspired to Inspire blog.

Question: Hi Sheila, it is great to talk with you today, can you please start by telling us where in the world are you based and what areas you over with your work?

Answer: I am based in Coggeshall, near Colchester, Essex UK and my clients are both in the UK and beyond as I work via Zoom. My 1-2-1 in person wrk is generally in locations anywhere around the M25 and Essex but I have travelled in Europe to give talks and run retreat workshops too which has been wonderful.

Question: How were you inspired to start your business?

Answer: After a standing ovation from my first-ever talk and the comments of praise I received when people asked me to inspire their staff or themselves. 

Question: That is amazing I am so pleased to hear you received such praise and encouragement and have gone on to help so many people with your work. How much do you love what you do?

Answer: Completely. It’s my passion and therefore doesn’t feel like work as its part of me

Question: It is wonderful when we love what we do and wrk doesn’t feel like work. Especially when you know you are making a difference and helping people. Next question, if you could go back to a point in your life when you were facing a challenge, what inspirational advice would you give yourself?

Answer: I have had many challenges and just to work through them by being as positive as you can, talking to others and knowing that time will heal but don’t stress or let it get you down which can be hard but I worked through things before so I can learn and do it again! 

Question: I agree, it is so important to try and keep a positive attitude.Tell us how your business inspires your customers!

Answer: It helps people understand more about themselves and the beauty of their spiritual awakening and the wonderful journey ahead


Q: Tell us what you would love to manifest into your reality!

Answer: More clients as so many people are ‘waking up’ to this divine new energy and experience they are feeling and not sure how to move forward and learn more – as I was in that same position over 30 years ago and I can help them as I have experienced this myself.

Question: May the universe bring you all the right people for you to help. Knowing you aren’t alone in something and that there is light at the end of the tunnel means a lot. What is a typical problem someone you work with might be facing and how do you guide them back into the light?

Answer: I listen via 1-2-1 mentoring sessions but I also have a Home Study Programme which people can work through and call me if they find a particular area difficult. This programme was created from my second book – Master Your Own Destiny.

Question: As people we are always evolving and learning things on our life journey. Where do you find inspiration?

Answer: Through helping clients, friends, reading and in the past attending workshops.

Question: Businesses are always evolving too… what are you inspired to do next?

Answer: Re-start my business again after a lapse of a few years due to personal reasons.

Question: I’m glad to hear you are ready and excited to help more clients again. Can you explain to us how working with you is transformational?

Answer: I help my clients to learn to live from their heart space which is the true essence of who they are. When you do this then you can then fall in love with yourself. I help clients to activate their connection to higher beings and higher self so they can channel the power of the Universe. So many of my clients tell me how life-changing this experience is. My clients benefit in many ways, by naturally attracting an abundance of what you need and want – love, joy and laughter as well as tangible things such as enough money, supportive friends, opportunities and inspiring projects or work.

Question: Do you offer a way for potential clients to learn more about how you can help?

Answer: They can try my Free Mini-Course, delivered by email and including a guided meditation and inspiring newsletters. Click on this link to find out more – https://www.sheilasteptoe.com/about-sheila-steptoe/

Question: I love this. I have seen you have other resources and information on your site too?

Answer: Yes, There are links from the main navigation to Meditation, Visualisation, Spiritual Wake Up, Love Letter to Myself and A Brilliant Exercise n Passion and Purpose.

Question: If anyone relates to the new energy they are feeling which they can’t quite explain but they feel drawn to want to learn more or if they have a curiosity about spirituality, what should they do?

Answer: Connect for a chat to learn how I can help them understand how to embrace this beautiful journey they will want to hopefully go on. 

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