This pay monthly package will help you to save for design work faster and allow you to spread the costs of having beautiful aligned designs created for your business whenever you need them throughout the coming year.
The contract is for 12 months and there are 2 payment levels. Think of it as having a virtual “design credit” jar.

You can put in £25 a month and get free £10 design credit added to your jar every month too, helping you save for what you want faster. You can spend any or all of your design credit at any time during the 12 months in full or part payment for any of my design offerings. If you keep saving for 12 months without spending the design credits, at the end of 12 months you will have put in £300, and you will have £420 available to spend!

If you want to save more and get even more free design credits. . .
You can put in £50 a month and get a free £25 design credit added to your jar every month too, helping you save for what you want even faster. You can spend any or all of your design credit at any time during the 12 months in full or part payment for any of my design offerings. If you keep saving for 12 months without spending the design credits, at the end of 12 months you will have put in £600, and you will have £900 available to spend!
This is a great investment for:
• Upleveling your brand presence
• Creating eye catching designs that directly appeal to your customers when you want to promote your business or launch something new
• Receive fabulous professional templates in your brand colours and style, that make it easy to create lots of content for ‘opt-ins’ and for selling (in the form of printables/ workbooks / ebooks)
• Save to pay for LIVE DESIGN SESSIONS, Branding, Full Book Design, Oracle / Affirmation Card Design & more!
This is a versatile package to help you grow your business from just £25 a month.