A4 Page Design
Have you thought about selling A4 Page PDFS that are printable or digitally fillable? This is a fantastic quick and easy way to generate income. Think about what sort of thing relates to you business and would be of use to your customers. For example if you are a healer, life coach or a yoga teacher you could offer things like; a self care planner, wheel of life, moon cycle calendar, pendulum charts, nutrition/meal planner, affirmation prompts, information about what certain crystals help with, information about chakras and energy, positive quotes they can print, cut out and stick around the house… If you are a business coach perhaps you could offer a social media / blog content planner, a content creation challenge with prompts, time management tips, an infographic on growing a business or lead generation or the customer journey. There are lots of possibilities of things that could be of interest to your customers. I can create beautiful designs for you to sell on your website, on sites such as etsy, through Facebook, at in-person events and when you have a customer base already and are creating something they will love this is an easy way to generate some additional income.
Interested? Send me a message now and let’s talk about the sort of printable/pdf pages that would compliment your business offerings and be a great new product to sell.
CLICK to Email Ces at >>> creative.ces@gmail.com <<< I look forward to supporting you.
Workbook / Ebook / Guide
Have you considered using your knowledge and experience to create a workbook, ebook or guide to sell? A topic could seem simple and easy to you but be overwhelming and bewildering to someone else… as I always say, things are only easy when you know how! Perhaps create a pdf to download and print or one that is for digital use/digitally fillable. Whether your booklet forms part of a paid course or is a stand alone product to sell, whether it is a workbook with prompts and questions for people to answer or a purely information based guide, there are probably multiple opportunities for you to create booklets to sell that go hand in hand with or compliment your business and your customers interests. What do you know about and could share that information in a booklet to create an income stream? Consider making the content easy to understand and visually engaging with images, infographics and diagrams. I can create beautiful fully designed booklets for you to sell or I offer beautiful template designs that you can add your own content to and re-use to create multiple products to sell.
Interested? Reach out to me now and let’s identify some great paths to creating new income streams for you.
CLICK to Email Ces at >>> creative.ces@gmail.com <<< I look forward to supporting you.
Notebook / Journal
Hands up who loves beautiful stationery? There are a lot of stationery addicts out there and a gorgeous design makes an easy sale. Have you ever thought about creating notebooks or journals that will appeal to your customer base? These could be low content books with prompts, design elements and spaces for people to write or fully blank or lined paper notebooks with beautiful cover designs. What I love about notebooks and journals is once you have created the content part, you can re-use that and just make new cover designs in order to produce more product options to sell. At the time of writing this, I am selling 310 notebooks and journals on amazon print on demand. I will be adding more designs to my collection too, which generates a great extra income stream. I have a free course which shows you how to plan and create your own notebook or journal and how to upload and sell it on amazon. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS
I can create beautiful notebook and journal designs for you to sell as a new income stream. You can order author copies from amazon to sell at in-person events as well as promoting your books online to attract sales.
Interested? Send me a message now and let’s discuss some ideas.
CLICK to Email Ces at >>> creative.ces@gmail.com <<< I look forward to supporting you.
Social Media Posts / Printable or Printed Notes
There are multiple ways to create income streams based around selling ready made social media posts or notes that people can print out and stick around their home or use for workshops and events. You could create ready made sets of social media posts with positive quotes on for example, or posts with information about a topic within your area of expertise such as top tips on a subject or prompts and ideas. Think about potential customers for what you create. People who have a business to do with animals might like to have a set of social posts with tips on the best practices for looking after different animals, understanding animals, animal healthcare, nutrition and activities. People who have a business to do with products or services ‘for mums’ might like to have a set of ready made posts with fun activity ideas for children, time management tips, nutrition tips and meal ideas and so on. People with a holistic business might like to have ready made posts to share with affirmations, information on moon cycles, chakras, crystals, different healing or energy modalities and their benefits etc. There are lots of possibilities so think about the audience you want to engage with. It will save small business owners time and hassle if they have ready to post social media content that relates to and complements their business. With the above ideas in mind, consider selling themed printed postcards or sets of business card size cards with different designs and information or quotes on. These are great to sell if you do events or workshops as well as being able to sell the products you create online. I can create beautiful full designs or templates for either social media posts or printed products for you to add your own text to and sell. A great opportunity for creating income streams.
Interested? Let’s discuss what would work best for you as a popular product to sell. Email me now to get started.
CLICK to Email Ces at >>> creative.ces@gmail.com <<< I look forward to supporting you.
Product Designs
There are so many possibilities when it comes to creating products that align with your business and will appeal to your customer base.
Cups and mugs, water bottles, bags, cushions, t-shirts and other clothing, stickers and stationery, notebooks, prints, mouse mats, magnets, postcards, greeting cards and more. Designs can be created with beautiful eye catching visuals that your customers will love. Either have products printed up to sell at events and on your website or sites such as etsy, or use a print on demand service such as Redbubble in order to create an income stream that way. You could also create posters as ‘printable’ download images.
Another option is creating your own deck of Oracle or Affirmation Cards. I have a popular online course with 1-2-1 support that will guide you step by step to take your card deck idea to reality. Full card deck design service also available.
From posters to mug graphics to t-shirt designs, I would love to create beautiful designs that you can have printed on products to sell and generate income.
Interested? Let’s discuss what would work best for you as a popular product to sell. Email me now to get started.
CLICK to Email Ces at >>> creative.ces@gmail.com <<< I look forward to supporting you.

Want to brainstorm some ideas?
Let’s chat!
CLICK to Email Ces at >>> creative.ces@gmail.com <<< I look forward to supporting you.
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