I am delighted to share this interview with an inspirational lady doing so much good in the world. I have the pleasure of designing for Conscious Dreams Publishing and offering exclusive design packages to the authors that Daniella helps. I have witnessed how much Danni cares about the diverse authors that she helps to share their stories and messages and I celebrate with her as Conscious Dreams Publishing gets more and more well deserved recognition, success and positive press for making dreams come true and getting truly amazing books out there into the world.
QUESTION: Where in the world are you based Daniella?
ANSWER: South East London
QUESTION: What geographic area do you cover with your work?
ANSWER: We work with authors all over the world from all walks of life which is great because I get to hear such a wide range of stories.

QUESTION: How were you inspired to start your business?
ANSWER: I set up my business in 2015, almost, accidentally. I set it up as I was trying to publish my own book, Mr Wrong, and face a lot of rejection from agents and publishers who said, ‘you are a great writer but we’re looking for someone with a stronger marketing plan or social media presence.’ Whilst I was waiting with baited breath for their responses, I’d stopped doing what I loved: writing. This perpetual waiting finally resulted in an epiphany money where I realised I wasn’t waiting for a response but I was waiting for validation. For someone to tell me my story mattered. It was this wake-up call that fuel me to set up Conscious Dreams Publishing, passionately learn about the publishing process and do it myself.
Having had success from my book, suddenly I started received requests for help from writers wanting to publish their own books. I started connecting them with editors, typesetters and illustrators and mentoring through the process of publishing. I did this as a ‘labour of love’ because I wanted to help. Then, on seeing their success wit their books and receiving more and more people asking for help, it dawned on me. I need to create a platform for unseen, unheard authors to have their stories heard and shared. Too many great writers were being passed over by mainstream publishers, having their stories diluted or told inauthentically and some simply had extraordinary stories but had no idea how to publish. That was it. I was here to help authors share their powerful messages and stories so that they can educate, inspire and empower others. Let’s go!

Photo of Daniella Blechner courtesy of CJ Swaby
QUESTION: I’m so glad that you did feel the call to help others publish their books too and I know those authors appreciate your heart felt passion to help them. How much do you love what you do?
ANSWER: The love and passion I have for what I do is immeasurable but it’s not easy. It’s been a real challenge starting my business from scratch and I’ve learnt so much along the way. Even those challenge, I love because it’s shaped the way I do things. If I could reach back and tell my younger self that I was going to set up a publishing house and help 100s of authors publish their books, my jaw would’ve hit the ground. I love that.
QUESTION: Congratulations! That is amazing! If you could go back to a point in your life when you were facing a challenge, what inspirational advice would you give yourself?
ANSWER: Daniella, everything is a transitory moment. Things may be really tough now and sometimes you feel like it’s too hard to go on. Believe when I say things never stay the same forever. Honour how you feel; acknowledge the challenge. Don’t try and mask it up or tell yourself and others, ‘I’m fine’ ‘It’s okay’ and pretend you are not struggling. It is this that creates so much pain. Acknowledge where you are and have a steadfast faith that it will not be where you end up. There are great things to come and trust me when I say you will appreciate the great having experienced these challenges. The pain will not last a lifetime but the difficulties you face in life will absolutely become your raison d’etre (reason for being) and that reason girl, is more powerful than you know.

QUESTION: Tell us how your business inspires your customers!
ANSWER: I’ve been told my business inspires my customers to have faith in their story and ability to make an impact. I like to think that I’m more than just a publishing house but a nurturing space to help authors connect with their ‘why’ and purpose so they can better connect to themselves and their reader. On another note, as a young person, I loved reading but I never saw anyone who looked like me: a mixed-race girl with afro hair, gappy teeth and big feet. As I grew older, I started to wonder whether it was because our stories didn’t matter. I am proud to say that we work with diverse authors from all backgrounds, religions, cultures, abilities and ‘disabilities’ and I’ve been told by people that this is inspiring. Currently, we’ve published 150+ books, and 80+ of those authors are from African-Caribbean descent. Right now, only 7% of main characters in children’s books feature a black or brown character so I feel privileged and honoured to help those who may otherwise never have been heard, create a diverse array of characters that reflect the society we live in. We’ve worked with authors from aged 7 -84 and it ignites my soul when I hear little black girls and boys see other little black girls and boys write books about loving their afro hair or creating characters that look like them saving the world. Once a little girl said at one of our events, ‘I really love Tiana’s (our 8-year-old author) book about afro hair. It makes me love my own afro hair now and I think I want to write a book too.’ I want this positive representation to be the norm for them so they can believe that they can aspire to be whatever they want to be.

QUESTION: As people we are always evolving and learning things on our life journey. Where do you find inspiration?
ANSWER: I find inspiration in literally everything. I find I can tap into my creativity when I’m immersed in nature. I’ve always been a nature girl: climbing trees, walking barefoot on the grass and exploring green spaces and all of God’s creatures.
Equally, I can get inspiration whilst on the bus or sitting in a café. I’m an observer. I sometimes feel like I’m on the outside looking in. My Dad always said I was observant, and this word has always stuck with me. I can hear a conversation, or notice someone’s facial express, gesture, habit or way of speaking and suddenly be hit with inspiration for a character. I can be pondering on something someone said and create a whole script about it. I also find that our biggest challenges can be our biggest inspiration too.

QUESTION: Businesses are always evolving too… what are you inspired to do next?
ANSWER: What I’d like to do next is to create more online coaching classes for aspiring authors helping them with the writing, publishing and marketing aspect of being an author. 2023 I’ll be taking on less 1-2-1 clients for publishing and focusing on mentoring writers and developing their author journey whether they decide to go the traditional publishing route, DIY self-publishing or publish with us. Each journey is different. And ooooohhh wouldn’t it be great to run a Writer’s Retreat?
QUESTION: If someone reading this feature wants to write or publish a book, how can they reach out to you for help?
ANSWER: If want to publish a book or are thinking about writing one, I’m offering free 30-minute consultations which you can book here www.consciousdreamspublishing.com/contact
I’m also running a Writer’s Weekend 4th and 5th February where you can cocoon yourself away amongst the woodland area and get your writing journey started. You can book your space here www.consciousdreamspublishing.com/writers-weekend

FIND Daniella Blechner of Conscious Dreams Publishing on the links below. . .

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