I’m so excited to share this fabulous inspiring interview with award winning author and super star organiser Kathryn Lord.
QUESTION: Welcome to Inspired To Inspire Kat, please can you tell us all what you do, how you were inspired to start your business and what area you cover with your work?
ANSWER: Being a nanny, organising family routines and rooms is part of the role but during lockdown, it became even more important. I saw how the children thrived and how family life became easier for everyone. After helping the family move house, I sent some photos and joked that I would give up nannying and become a Professional Organiser. Never a truer word is said in jest. I haven’t given up nannying fully, I now support even more families by organising rooms and routines with children in mind.
I work with In-person clients in London and work online with clients anywhere in the world.

QUESTION: Oh brilliant, it sounds like things have just really flowed in the direction of where you excel at helping people.How much do you love what you do?
ANSWER: So much. I love supporting families. As many clients end up continually hiring me, my favourite thing is seeing how their lives have been made easier.
QUESTION: If you could go back to a point in your life when you were facing a challenge, what inspirational advice would you give yourself?
ANSWER: The most empowering things I have found is when to say no. The phrase “this is not working out for me” can relate to decluttering items, organising items or even routines and habits that just are not longer serving me. It’s the same in business. I used to be a ‘yes’ person and a people pleaser, which rarely helped me.

QUESTION: Oh that is powerful indeed. Saying NO is 100% the right thing to do sometimes and makes such a difference. Please tell us how your business inspires your customers!
ANSWER: As I always have the children at the forefront of my mind, I inspire the parents to unlock their home to support learning and life skills but also to simplify routines to make life easier.
I won an award in “inspiring creativity within children’ for my first book.
QUESTION: Congratulations on the award that is amazing and well deserved. I love that through your books as well as in person you can support others for positive transformations. Knowing you aren’t alone in something and that there is light at the end of the tunnel means a lot when you are feeling low. What is a typical problem someone you work with might be facing and how do you guide them back into the light?

ANSWER: Meal times, bath time, sleep, school run; whatever routine you’re struggling with, I support you to declutter items, organise to make life easier and support you with habits moving forward.
Any room can be stream-lined. I use skills from teaching in classrooms and nurseries as well as tried and tested organisation solutions to support your growing family.
Spend less time tidying up and more time having fun with your little ones.
There are three ways; in-person, online or by buying my book, “More to Organising- how to help your child become more independent and make your life easier by organising with your child in mind”

QUESTION: Please give us an inspirational tip or quote to inspire others!
ANSWER: “Make your home work for you!”
Your home is not supposed to be Instagram perfect or staged for in a glossy magazine, it’s supposed to be lived in, More to Organising is about getting rid of things that hold you back and organising the rest in a way that supports your life.

QUESTION: As people we are always evolving and learning things on our life journey. Where do you find inspiration?
ANSWER: I’m a cross between Marie Kondo/The Home Edit and Supernanny, and while I take ideas from each place, I adapt them for the family I am working for, for the ages of the children. I keep up-to-date with the latest Education by attending seminars and further reading too.
I find inspiration in everyone I meet. I believe everyone knows something we don’t.
QUESTION: Businesses are always evolving too… what are you inspired to do next?
ANSWER: I’m working on digital print outs and playing cards to make decluttering and organising even more easier and even more fun! I am selling my books at The Nursery World Show, The Childcare and Education expo and I have been invited to speak at the International Nanny Training day and The Clean and Tidy Home show.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing your story with us Kat. Print outs and cards sound like a fantastic idea to provide extra resources to help your clients and many others who struggle. As a designer I have created lots of card decks and printables for my clients across a wide range of genres and I know that having tangible practical products like that can really help a wider audience and make a difference in peoples lives!
If you’d love to connect with Kat or find out more about how she could help you, check out her links below!

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