The benefits of surrounding yourself with positive people.
Are you the rainbow sheep in your family? If you are a holistic health practitioner, energy and alternative health modalities can be those kinds of controversial topics that aren’t always understood or discussed! As a recovering people pleaser and someone who shies away from conflict, I used to keep that part of me to myself in the past. The effect that had on me was to stay quiet and be guarded about who I opened up to about spirituality and holistic health. The result was that as I started networking in business, I wasn’t sure if I could talk openly about it and it impacted the clarity of my message. After years of being quiet and laying low, it felt unsafe to be loud and proud!
In order to build my confidence I created a networking group of local wellness professionals. This really helped me to come out of my shell. We all loved holistic health and we could talk about energy, angels, our love for oils, crystals, oracle cards, conscious living and enjoying life aligned with our intuition. It was so refreshing and I really learned the power of getting around like-minded people. My confidence started to grow and I found my voice, knowing I had the support of others.
Being the rainbow sheep of the family myself, I also didn’t have much support at home. It ranged from mild disinterest in what I was doing to full blown arguments with my partner about my business. In a way, that drove me forward to “prove that I could do it”. But that energy is destructive and causes all sorts mis-alignment in the long term. The Impenetrable Bubble of Belief. At that time, I built an “impenetrable bubble of belief” around myself. You can watch a Facebook live video here too:
I imagined myself inside an impenetrable bubble of light and no matter what negative stories I was hearing from others, this was a safe place that I could go to connect with my own belief. It gave me protection and an opportunity to listen to my own voice. It can be easy to be pulled down by other’s doubt but as Theodore Roosevelt says in his “Man in The Arena” speech:
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
Ask yourself who are the 5 people you spend most of your time with on a regular basis?
Do they drain or inspire you?
Do they support your vision with encouragement or sow seeds of doubt?
Take a personal inventory of those around you and make an empowered choice. Seek out those like-minded people who understand your journey. Spend less time talking to the doubters about your journey. It’s not that you have to cut them out of your life, simply be selective about what you share with them about your business. Are you feeding their doubts too? Lastly, are they coming from a place of love? It may feel like they are trying to dampen your enthusiasm but be objective and see the positive in their contribution. They may be worried about you. If what they are saying is triggering a reaction in you, use this as an opportunity to heal that sore spot of yours. What is the healing opportunity here?
Where can you meet more like-minded people? Make a list of places you can meet others on a similar path for support, encouragement and collaboration. It could be online or offline and decide how much interaction you need, depending on your introverted/extroverted needs. There are plenty of rainbow sheep in this world and life feels so much more fulfilling when we flock together! It points to a basic need of belonging that is inbuilt in us. We are tribal people and way back in history, life outside of the tribe was extremely dangerous for an individual. Go find your tribe…and feel the benefit of their support and contribution to your confidence and belief.
We have all of that and more in the Facebook group, so come over and be a part of this vibrant community.
Guest Blog Post Author: Sarah Sienkiewicz
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