Thank you so much to Jan Taylor, founder of Indigo Soul School for talking to us about how a pendulum can be used to help create perfectly aligned branding design!
QUESTION: Jan, please can you start by telling us, what is a Pendulum?
ANSWER: A pendulum is a balanced weight on a chain. It can be used as a simple means of visually checking what the unconscious mind already knows.
You could say it is a way of communicating with your higher self. Some people believe, as I do, that if we ask our guides or Angels to help us, that their support and guidance will be shown through pendulum readings too.

QUESTION: That’s great. I’m always encouraging my clients to ‘go with their heart and their intuition’ when making decisions about their branding and choosing designs. A pendulum could be used to help affirm the right choices that their sub-conscious higher self already knows!
Is it easy to use a pendulum?
ANSWER: You can learn pendulum dowsing in 3 easy steps. First you try to relax, then ask a carefully worded question, (in doing so, you open a ‘channel’ of communication and receive the information that you seek). Your body amplifies that signal and displays it as a visual response to the question through how the pendulum swings for you.
Anyone can learn the basics of using a pendulum. It is a great tool for putting your mind at ease about having clarity on a situation or knowing you are making the right decision about something. So yes it could definitely be used to help people choose the right logo and designs for their business.
Pendulums come in many shapes, sizes and materials. You could even make your own!

QUESTION: Could you give us a suggestion of how to dowse and use a pendulum to help choose designs?
ANSWER: It’s important to be grounded before you start to dowse. Try to detach yourself from the question you are asking so you don’t have any emotional focus on the outcome. Methods of grounding include going for a walk in nature or visualising roots growing out of your feet into the ground like a tree.
A good way to make sure you are not influencing the answer that the pendulum gives is to say out loud “Please give me an answer unbiased by my own CONSCIOUS thoughts”.
Secure the pendulum chain around your finger and ask test questions such as “give me a yes” . . . and then the pendulum will start to swing or spin in a particular direction. Your pendulum will swing in a straight line or in a circular motion. Make a note of how it moves or if it swings side to side; forwards and backwards, or in a circular motion. If it makes a circular motion, note whether it is clockwise or anti-clockwise. Then ask it to stop moving and give the command, “give me a no”. Then the pendulum will move in an opposite or different direction to the YES response. You can ask a basic question such as is my name (and say a fake name) to get a no response. . . then ask is my name (and say your real name) to get a YES response.
Then you are ready to start asking the serious questions.
To help you choose a logo design you could look at each design in turn individually and ask the pendulum something like “Is this the right aligned design for my business for highest good” or “Will this design help me attract my ideal customers”. Your higher self will know which design is the perfect vibration to bring you and your ideal customers together and which is the right design that your sub-conscious is totally aligned with (even if consciously you feel overwhelmed by the choices and cannot choose between the options).

QUESTION: Fantastic Jan, thanks so much for sharing this! There must be lots of things pendulum dowsing an be used for to hep people in day to day life as well as with big decision making. Do you help people to learn pendulum dowsing?
ANSWER: Yes I do. Over at Indigo Soul School I have a course for learning Pendulum Dowsing.
You can find out more about Pendulum Dowsing, Reiki, Crystal Therapy, Marketing a Soulful Business and more at
If you feel stuck in life and that you seem to just keep going round in circles. If you’d love to be part of group of like-minded, loving supportive soulful people and spiritual business owners and desire more love, light and abundance in YOUR life, join Jan in her Indigo Soul Tribe.
You will get support, receive Master Reiki energy from me once a week to help you turn your life around, have access to a host of spiritual courses in Indigo Soul School.

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