I am delighted to introduce you to Debbie McLeod – The Travelling Celebrant who has shared with us a little of her journey creating Sacred Ceremonies.
Question: Hi Debbie, your business is called Elemental Sacred Ceremonies, tell me where you are based geographically and what areas you cover when taking on new clients.
Answer: I am known as the travelling celebrant and cover a 50 mile radius of Coventry CV7, West Midlands, UK.
Question: What sort of ceremonies do you organise and facilitate?
Baby Naming
Passing Over
Adult Naming
Gender Affirming
Elemental Sacred Ceremonies
Home and Land Blessings

Question: How were you inspired to start your business?
Answer: I found a way to use my love of nature, rituals, ceremonies, all things spiritual. I graduated from the Sacred Celebrant Academy in Glastonbury, UK where I trained with Dawn Kinsella, Priestess of Avalon
and her team in the ancient ways of ceremony. Such a wonderful journey. The IPHM Sacred Celebrant certificate qualifies me to conduct a wide range of ceremonies. I am a powerful Elemental Ceremonialist, Earth Lover, Energy Weaver, Teacher, Author and Healer, who creates bespoke ceremonies and rituals, just for you and with you.
Question: That is fantastic. You clearly feel deeply connected to doing this. How much do you love what you do?
Answer: I love the different places people want to have their ceremonies, the step by step organising, supporting them to write their vows, meeting them for the first time and discussing their dreams, magic, ideas and then performing the ceremony is so special.

Question: Tell us how your business inspires your customers!
Answer: The fact that they have freedom to create a ceremony full of love, receiving reassurance that ‘we’ have got this. The relationship that I create between us allows everyone to be confident and a deep sense of knowing that all will be well.
Question: Knowing you aren’t alone in something and that there is light at the end of the tunnel means a lot when you are feeling low. What is a typical problem someone you work with might be facing and how do you guide them back into the light?
Answer: Normally nerves and thinking will everyone enjoy the ceremony, what if it all goes wrong, or forget my vows. To remind them that I will be hand holding them, giving them reassurance and support, keeping it simple no matter how complicated it seems. To take a moment to breathe, to slow down and enjoy the time.

Question: Businesses are always evolving too… what are you inspired to do next?
Answer: Since childhood, I’ve nurtured my sensitive nature and keen intuition and built a strong connection to the Universe and Earth. I see the world as my classroom, a never-ending story of life and learning. I’d love to write a series of children’s books!
Question: Oh wow, that is an amazing thing to do. Tell us a little more about you.
Answer: My curiosity has led me down many a path of learning, growth and development, from holistic healing, sound, creating and holding space, meditation, hypnotherapy, reiki, teaching, shamanic practices, herbalism, holistic end of life, pet bereavement, loss and grief and wellbeing. I’ve experienced working in the corporate world, for charities, teaching in education, supporting communities through new initiatives, government positions, the Army and many collaborations to nurture and support myself and others. I have also enjoyed teaching expressive art to adults with learning disabilities.
Question: Fantastic Debbie. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

Question: Can you explain a little more about what Sacred Ceremonies are?
Answer: Ceremonies are non-religious, blending together ancient traditions and romantic rituals which embody the powerful elemental beauty of nature – Air, Fire, Water and Earth. I blend my experiences, knowledge and skills to create ceremonies and rituals that support the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine that lives within each of us, either here in the West Midlands or at your own sacred space. Sacred to me means something that is dear to your heart, a feeling that you get inside, for example children, animals, nature, cooking, family, home, your beloved, anything that lights you up from the inside.

Question: Handfastings are becoming increasingly popular. What could someone expect a Handfasting Ceremony to be like?
Answer: Handfastings are a beautiful, romantic, symbolic marriage ceremony, or ritual and is a historical term for a wedding or betrothal, of ancient Celtic origin, bringing together nature and different traditions. During the ceremony the hands are gently wrapped with a wrapping cord or ribbons, around the couples clasped hands, symbolising the desire of the couple to be united, and this is where the term ‘tying the knot’ originates from. Weaved into the ceremony will be your vows and exchange of rings.

Question: Finally, please can you explain Elemental Ceremonies a little more for us?
Answer: I adore nature and the land and the wonderful intuitive messages we receive from both on a daily basis gives me hope for our future. When we honour and celebrate the four Elements of Nature and the fifth, ourselves, life takes on a new meaning, it strengthen and supports us through many times, especially now with old systems, patterns, attitudes, old ways now breaking down and clearing out, can leave us feeling very vulnerable. So what if, we connected with these sacred elements to ground, strengthen and support us as we move forward into a more self resilient and confident self.
Question: Wonderful Debbie. Thank you so much!

You can find out more about Debbie and her services at:
or get in touch with her via email: debbie@elementalsacredceremonies.com

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