I’ve been using heart doodles to manifest more success in my business and I’m excited to share with you this simple, fun, heart centred idea and method that just takes a few moments of your time!
Everyone can doodle. Whether you are just using a scrap of paper and a pencil or biro or you use a special journal and get out your coloured pens… it’s not about creating something perfect it’s about letting your creative flow out and getting out of your head space and into your heart energy.

I started drawing a heart doodle a day. Some days I’ll have more spare time than others and some days I’m feeling more creative and will fill a whole A3 sheet with a heart centred mandala. Other days life has lots in store for me and I just manage a really simple heart sketch. I think that accepting that there is variance and that the little simple pencil sketched heart is just as valuable as the elaborate sparkly one is part of harnessing the power of these heart doodles to manifest success.

So… as well as sharing my little doodles on social media to spread the love, I’ve been writing next to the heart doodles in my manifesting and gratitude journal. Each day I write something I LOVE and am full of GRATITUDE for in my business.
It could be that I love and am excited about a free online training day I’ve launched to support other soulful business women…
Or that I’m thankful for an amazing LIVE DESIGN session I’ve had that day, creating awesome branding for one of my wonderful clients…
I’ll write that I’m so thankful for a client recommending me to someone for design work…

Heart Doodles help you focus positive energy on the things you WANT to manifest in your business too. Golden heart doodles along with words about financial abundance flowing to you through your business… Or a GRATITUDE message along side a colourful heart to welcome in solutions and opportunities to help you expand your brand and uplevel for higher good.

It’s such a fun way to draw in more positive energy and manifest business growth from a heart centred place. You can do it every day or just when you feel guided to. If you’d like to give it a go then please accept this FREE DOWNLOAD I’ve put together to help you fast-track focussed gratitude and manifesting using heart doodles.

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