I’d like to introduce you to a very inspirational lady that I have had the pleasure of interviewing for my blog. Karen Edgar – The Soul Optimiser!

Question: Hi Karen, thank you so much for talking to us today. Could you start by telling us what geographical area you work in?

Answer: I am based in Warwick, Warwickshire, UK and work with clients globally.

Question: Please tell us, how were you inspired to start your business?

Answer: For most of my life I’ve been curious about why we are here. When you feel that nudge, that niggle that won’t go away, my belief is that this is your soul encouraging you to follow your heart to get to know yourself much more and what you are capable of being in the world.  That nudge won’t go away, and if you start to listen to it, you will discover a joy you hadn’t realised before.

One of my main inspirations was from when I was working as an HR professional at the Foreign Office. Surrounded by civil servants I saw many people who longed to do something different. One woman had the most significance for me called Sheila who was very unhappy and being bullied by her boss but also by her husband at home. She said to me “if I had my time again, I would have been an actress or had my own beauty salon” When I asked her why she didn’t just do that – she said oh no I couldn’t I have this golden pension to look forward to – she was only 55. She was prepared to stay ‘chained’ to her desk sitting in her misery rather than take steps to change her life and discover what she was here for.

When I work with my clients, I tune into their soul record and tell them their soul purpose and how to express it out into the world using the Akashic records. Then I identify all the blocks in their current life and in past lives that are preventing them moving by helping them clear these in order to make better choices

Question: I know of so many people who are like the lady Shiela that you mentioned choosing to stay chained to a life she did not love or enjoy instead of breaking free to discover what she really wanted. i applaud you for helping people break free and live their best lives of soul purpose. How much do you love what you do?

Answer: I fully love what I do. It is so rewarding to see the penny drops and aha moments when people discover who they really are at soul level. When they realise why they feel or behave a certain way and how to stop this happening. Having been fascinated by the soul, purpose and history all my life – this alignment means I have found my soul purpose and it is a very peaceful feeling which gives me a lot of joy.

Question: If you could go back to a point in your life when you were facing a challenge, what inspirational advice would you give yourself?

Answer: Always back yourself but use the resources you have gained over the years. These skills are not just for your clients – you are learning them to improve your own life too. The phrase – “this too will pass” is true but make sure you get every ounce of the learning from it to make better choices next time.

Question: So true – there is always something to be taken from a situation and lessons to be learnt. Now, please tell us how your business inspires your customers.

Answer: It gives them additional tools to improve their business. In addition to working on the soul, I also tune into the client’s business through the Akashic records. A business doesn’t have a soul, but it is an entity from the moment it has a name and purpose. Then I am able to assess the mis-alignments in areas such as marketing, products, clients, services, finances, employees etc so that the client can make changes to ensure their business is flowing at its optimum.

Question: Knowing you aren’t alone in something and that there is light at the end of the tunnel means a lot when you are feeling low. What is a typical problem someone you work with might be facing and how do you guide them back into the light?

Answer: Many of my clients are feeling lost. Their life may look okay on the surface, but dig a little deeper and you find someone with low self-esteem and confidence, feeling de-motivated about their goals, maybe disillusioned in their marriage, or that their business is just not working effectively. By revealing what choices and therefore negative agreements they made in past lives, answers a lot of why they are currently experiencing the mental and emotional anguish they have, and to be able to give them a clearing programme to remove all of this (all be it on a temporary basis as they need to make changes in their lives) gives them a lot of hope and motivation for different future. Transformation is available to them if they do the work on themselves.

Question: Please give us an inspirational tip or quote to inspire others!

Answer: “Don’t be the one to say if I had my time again, I would have …”

Question: As people we are always evolving and learning things on our life journey. Where do you find inspiration?

Answer: I am a voracious reader and read many spiritual and personal development books. I keep up to date spiritually on YouTube with a few people in the field. I am naturally curious, so I do lots of research and training to keep myself ascending.

Question: I love that yu keep learning and ascending :-)
Businesses are always evolving too… what are you inspired to do next?

Answer: Start a membership group where I teach people all things spiritual including how they can read the Akashic records for themselves. It will be 3 levels of payment, so it is accessible to all budgets. I am also providing tools and journals, planners etc on my own website and on Etsy so that this becomes a one stop shop to support their transformation.

Question: If anyone reading this feature relates to The Soul Optimiser, what should they do?

Answer: Come and join my Facebook group https://facebook/groups/souloptimers The Soul Optimisers Private Lounge for Businesswomen on Purpose. When you join you will receive a Soul origin mini consultation vial the Akashic records. You will also be a part of a safe community where you can be yourself and develop spiritually.

Find out more and get in touch with Karen Edgar at:

Website https://thesouloptimiser.shop/

Facebook https://facebook/groups/souloptimers

Etsy https://thesouloptimiser.etsy.com

I am LOOKING FOR wonderful SOULFUL business owners to feature on “Inspired To Inspire” blog. Click through on this link >>> www.inspiredtoinspire.co.uk/soulful-business-owners-be-featured-here <<< For more information!