Are you a soulful business owner considering creating one of the following?

• A freebie download to give your potential new customers something of value whilst generating leads.
• An ebook of your story or your knowledge presented in your own unique way to help others.
• A sales brochure to inspire potential new customers to take the next step.
• A series of paid programme booklets in PDF or print format.
• Workshop or Event activity booklets.

If so, I’d love to offer you some support and inspiration to create something that really enhances perceived brand value and delights your audience by communicating your brand message in an exciting and engaging way.

I’d love to share with you some ideas to help you plan your unique HIGH VIBE booklet so that you are completely aligned to it and know your customers will love how it makes them feel and appreciate how much they benefit from it’s content too.

I will be covering concepts for both PDF and PRINT.

This is online training for Inspiration and Support to help you plan your high impact positive energy booklet.

On the day you’ll get a link to watch a short video and download some heart guided planning sheets that can be used for your project.

You will also be offered a skype call with me so that I can give you some design ideas that are specific to your business and ideal clients.

This free training is perfect for you if you aren’t quite sure how to create something with WOW FACTOR or something that will really resonate with, inspire and excite your customers.

It’s not about a one size fits all template, it’s about using your unique brand identity to infuse your booklet with high vibe energy.

Please fill in your details below and complete the sign up process to secure your place now! I look forward to supporting you soon!

“Ces has designed for me in the past, so I was delighted when I saw her free training on creating a High Vibe Booklet. After being inspired by the training day I asked her to create a beautiful design for a project I am running for my training workbook for my students and clients. It is vibrant, colourful, and so very attractive. I am getting great feedback and will be creating more booklets in the future with Ces.”
Susan Smalley
“My Free Plan Your High Vibe Booklet Training & Call with Ces was amazing! She packed in soooo many helpful tips, ideas, and examples that I actually am looking forward to designing my pdf materials (I’m not very design-y and was dreading it)! Thanks so much, Ces, I was so impressed with you coming up with such great ideas ‘on the spot’ that will work amazingly for my brand and this project!”
Julie Wunderlich

Sign Up For The "Plan Your High Vibe Booklet" Inspiration and Support Day

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When you sign up for the above “opt in” you will receive the relevant access information and links by email and in addition, going forwards you will receive my monthly newsletter containing offers, information on freebies/resources and links to “Inspired By” blog features on this site.  Your name and email address will be held on a list on mailchimp only. Your information will not be held anywhere else or shared with any third party. You can unsubscribe at any time. By subscribing here you give your express permission and consent to receive the “opt in” as described on this page and also my monthly newsletter. If you would just like to receive the “opt in” only please do not subscribe on this page and instead email me at requesting this specifically. Thank you so much.