This is A GIFT to support Therapists, Healers, Life Coaches, Psychics and those who serve others through a spiritual or holistic heart focussed business.
Have you evolved and outgrown your business model and brand?
Do you feel like you aren’t offering or authentically presenting the services that you yearn to help people with?
Are you suppressing a desire for something more in your business and life even if you can’t quite put your finger on what?
Are you aware of resistance to moving forwards, uncertainty of how to proceed or restrictive money issues stopping you from creating an expanded brand that is true to you?

“I’ve just completed the Here Are Your Dream Clients online short course and I’d like to say a big thank you! It has really helped me to consolidate my thoughts about my message, clients and branding and given me a clear idea of my next steps. I really enjoyed the opportunity to be creative and the handouts are beautifully designed too! I felt very supported and am really looking forward to working with you to develop my branding.”
Sarah Sienkiewicz
Feel excited about the universe drawing more of your dream clients to you so you can work with them in a way that lights you up.
Align with the truth that you are already connected to your dream clients.
Release anything that is blocking your path and take heart led action steps to expand your brand.
Focus with this complimentary guided meditation and heart action plan that will support you in taking easy steps to evoke a natural abundant flow of clients that “light you up”
“Thank you so much for the “Here Are Your Dream Clients” programme. I’m going through a transition with my business at the moment and onto a much more soulful path that is taking me out of my comfort zone but on a path that I am much more aligned to and that will benefit my clients more. The short course allowed me to really tap into my heart and mind, focus on what I can do to benefit my clients more and remove some of the fear and negative thinking that I have been holding onto without even realising. Even coaches need more perspective and this really opened my eyes to my biggest barrier and put it behind me.
I’m so excited to move forward and launch my ‘new brand’ with confidence and total alignment.”
Kelly Fryer
“The Evolution Heart Storm really allowed me to work through some fairly persistent and niggling blocks. I also found the post-it note exercise useful, particularly challenging my “I can’t do this” whinges and transforming them into something positive; I need to step out of my comfort zone soooooo much with the things I need to deliver to the world and follow my true caling! and its been a really useful exercise in getting excited about branding what I love to do and what I want to share … and alo been interesting ruling out the things that I no longer want to focus on!”
Callie Carling
You will then gain access to soulful resources designed to help you evolve and check in that you are heading in the right direction for the aligned brand and outreach you deserve.

When you sign up for the above “opt in” you will receive the relevant access information and links by email and in addition, going forwards you will receive my monthly newsletter containing offers, information on freebies/resources and links to “Inspired By” blog features on this site. Your name and email address will be held on a list on mailchimp only. Your information will not be held anywhere else or shared with any third party. You can unsubscribe at any time. By subscribing here you give your express permission and consent to receive the “opt in” as described on this page and also my monthly newsletter. If you would just like to receive the “opt in” only please do not subscribe on this page and instead email me at ces@inspiredtoinspire.co.uk requesting this specifically. Thank you so much.