Align To The Power of All Colour:

All colour has the power to effect us, so even if it’s just seeing your Facebook post, or reading your hand-out or download pdf, you will emit the energy of the colour frequencies you use to your audience and this can either directly help them in a rebalance of the colour they need more of in their life right now (which is why they will feel sub-consciously attracted to the colour used even if it’s not a colour they particularly like consciously) or it can effect their mood, inspire them to seek out more of this colour they need in their life and even contribute to any healing they need (physical, emotional or energetic.)

Here are some of the emotional empowering and physically healing properties of colour. . .

The colour of the higher soul star chakra
This colour relates to: love, freedom, attuning, inner peace, self discovery, ethereal energy, authenticity, oneness, safety, cleansing.
In relation to physical: higher consciousness, spirit-energy-body balance.

The colour of the soul star chakra
This colour relates to: connection, love, caring, nurturing, spirituality, softness, gentle, feminine energy, passion, compassion, abundance, positivity, empowerment, connection, sociable, encouraging, imagination, healing, opportunities, positivity, welcoming, power, self-care, freedom, peace, positivity, warmth, growth, birth, new beginnings.
In relation to physical: sickness, trauma, cardiac energiser, fainting, migraines.

The colour of the higher crown chakra
This colour relates to: inspiration, intuition, spirituality, wisdom, wealth, luxury, joy, individuality, euphoric, trust, purity, longevity, enlightenment, confidence, perfection.
In relation to physical: overcoming habits and addictions, depression, purifier.

The colour of the crown chakra
This colour relates to: emotions, meditation, inspiration, intuition, spirituality, dreams, wisdom, power, vision, transformation, alchemy, loyalty, clairvoyance/clairaudience/clairsentience, connection, creativity, balance, confidence, strength, positivity, courage, transformation, wealth, wisdom, knowledge, heart, caring, empowerment, respect, peace, meditation, freedom.
In relation to physical: menopause, spleen, relaxing, soothes solar plexus, anti-viral, earache. 

The colour of the crown chakra
WHITE is in all the chakras however is often associated mostly with the crown chakra.
This colour relates to: purity, innocence, softness, illumination, release, cleansing, brilliance, radiance, transcendence, power, connection, meditation, peace, freedom.
In relation to physical: helps with acute pain in physical / emotional / mental and spiritual.

The colour of the higher third eye chakra
This colour relates to: confidence, intuition, meditation, purity, wealth, wisdom, natural flow, joy, bliss, uplifting, inspiring, insight, power, freedom.
In relation to physical: balancing energies, being in alignment with physical and spiritual. Calming / Relaxing.

The colour of the third eye chakra
This colour relates to: inner vision, intuition, wisdom, power, spirituality, empowerment, strength, luxury, structure, knowledge, confidence, productivity, opportunities, connection.
In relation to physical: thyroid, respiration, bleeding, sedative, pain relief.

The colour of the throat chakra
This colour relates to: calmness, inner peace, protection, masculine energy, rest, openness, cooling, relaxing, change, insight, wisdom, trust, credibility, knowledge, learning, unity, safety, communication, focus, clarity, structure, success, education, wisdom, productivity, confidence, loyal, peace, freedom.
In relation to physical: anti-bacterial, anti-infection, anti-cramping, headaches, facilitates restful sleep, pain relieving, nervousness, insomnia, lowers blood pressure, fever. 

The colour of the higher heart chakra
This colour relates to: heart, soul, creativity, communication, wisdom, learning, unconditional love, self-respect, respect, responsibility, caring, empowerment, spirituality, change, transformation, wealth, longevity, discovery, peace, joy, connection, meditation, positivity, freedom.
In relation to physical: good for immune system, burns, skin infections, acne, fatigue, mental relaxation, lungs, intestines.

The colour of the heart chakra
This colour relates to: opportunities, peace, transformation, spirituality, calming, relaxing, soothing, growth, learning, movement, change, balance, money, prosperity, birth, new beginnings, nature, health, healing, heart, Earth, foundations, caring, nurturing, expansion, exploration, expansion, trust, sensitivity, integrity, harmony, relationships, connection, meditation, balance, freedom.
In relation to physical: good for liver, anti-inflammatory, eye problems, diabetes, cysts, promotes healthy bones/joints, allergies, colds. 

The colour of the solar plexus chakra
This colour relates to: thought leader, learning, intellect, knowledge, alertness, focus, joy, happiness, warmth, cleansing, empowerment, confidence, inspiration, hope, balance, positivity. (it can also be linked to fear, hazard)
In relation to physical: good for combating obsessive habits, digestion, stomach, gall bladder, liver, immune system, nervous systems, motor stimulant, helping chronic to become acute.

The colour of the sacral chakra
This colour relates to: joy, happiness, warmth, creativity, pleasure, sensuality, generosity, movement, awakening, wisdom, sociable, empowerment, connection, courage, positivity, strength.
In relation to physical: good for helping release feelings of depression, cramps and aches in the body, heart disease, boosts immune system, aids circulation, raises blood pressure, genitals, cleansing hormonal system, bladder, colds. 

The colour of the root/base chakra
This colour relates to: empowering, igniting, stimulating, life-force energy, strength, revolution, change, ambition, grounding, Earth, power, passion, pioneering, activity, primal awakening, confidence, courage. (it can also be linked to aggression, danger, survival.)
In relation to physical: circulation, chronic illnesses, wounds, scar tissue, kidneys, heart, muscles, blood, lungs, bones.

The colour of the root/base chakra
This colour relates to: protection, Earth, strength, reliability, trust, knowledge, primal, grounding, courage, core beliefs, subconscious, power, foundations, established, deep. (it can also be linked to depression, fear.)
In relation to physical: subconscious, habitual addiction, protection in regards to physical / emotional / mental and spiritual.

The colour of the lower root/base chakra
This colour relates to: joy, bliss, ethereal, caring, softness, gentleness, unconditional love, grounded, self-acceptance, self-love, forgiveness, nurturing, transformational, happiness, meditation, peace, feminine energy.
In relation to physical: immune system, eating disorders, balance.

*NOTE: This is a fascinating subject with lots more to learn… the notes above relate to the use of these colours in general forms that could apply to graphic designs and visual images however there are some incredible methods of colour therapies including using other varying colour crystals to heal specific things or colour infused water, colour light healing and colour wrapping (with silks, blankets or clothing) for example that go into a lot more detail.